There are several reasons why speed analysis is valuable and necessary for investigating accidents. Often, motorcycle accidents require detailed investigations and reconstructions to determine if a punishable offense occurred and whether a motorcycle accident lawyer in Miami is needed.
Secondly, manufacturers must routinely examine motorcycle accidents to identify design flaws and improve their products. A third role of speed analysis involves highway and road departments monitoring traffic accidents, identifying potential causes, and improving road and traffic conditions at road sections with high accident frequency.
Finally, speed analysis is educational for instructors and drivers. How? This allows for the use of real-world examples of accidents and thus, catches the attention of listeners more easily than with statistics and theoretical examples.
Motorcycle Speeding Accident Overview
Motorcyclists are, by their very nature, inherently vulnerable on the road. When collisions occur, motorcyclists are more likely to suffer life-changing injuries because there are no external barriers, seatbelts, or airbags to protect them.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) considers a crash to be speeding-related if the driver was charged with any of the following:
- Violation of the speed limit
- If a police officer indicates racing
- Speeding in bad weather
- There is evidence that speeding contributed to the crash
Speeding contributed to 34% of fatal motorcycle crashes in 2020. Evidence shows that the rider’s age often determines their intention to participate in risky speed-related behaviors while riding a motorcycle (45% of motorcycle riders involved in fatal accidents were aged 25 to 29 years).
The risk of motorcycle accidents is undoubtedly higher if you are speeding. And regardless of age, statistics prove that riders who exceed the speed limit or ride at a pace that is not appropriate for current conditions put other road users at risk.
How Speeding Can Cause Motorcycle Accidents
There are two aspects to the role of speed in these accidents. First, speeding increases the risk of an accident. Furthermore, it makes the rider more likely to flee the scene of an accident. Speeding makes it harder for motorbike riders to control their bikes and increases the likelihood of losing control.
Secondly, speeding reduces a rider’s reaction time to hazards. This makes it less likely for them to avoid an accident entirely. Lastly, speeding increases the kinetic energy of the collision, resulting in a greater severity of injury.
One upside is that speeding allows witnesses and victims to describe the fleeing vehicle better and makes it easier to identify the guilty party (skid marks, damage to property, etc.).
Speeding is a Violation of the Law
The general laws that govern motorcycle ownership, ridership, licensure, and insurance can be helpful for Miami Motorcycle Accident victims to know. An understanding of Florida laws regarding motorcycle ownership and ridership is even better.
In either case, the victim, and their family, should consult a motorcycle accident lawyer in Miami for advice and legal representation. In some respects, Florida’s motorcycle laws are unique.
Motorcycle accident law in Florida is applied somewhat differently in every case due to unique circumstances and events leading up to the accident. Even if, for example, the victim did not wear a helmet during the accident, they are still eligible for compensation.
The fact that the victim did not wear a helmet will not impact the damages awarded, particularly if the injuries were caused regardless of wearing a helmet. For example, a helmet would not have made a difference in the case of an injury to the knees.
To challenge helmet usage arguments related to motorcycle accidents, Miami motorcycle accident lawyers need to produce substantial evidence such as:
- Despite not wearing a helmet, the severity of the injuries did not change
- Expert medical testimony
A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Miami Can Help
Motorcyclists are often involved in accidents caused by the negligence of other drivers. It may be satisfying for a motorcycle rider to know that an accident was not their fault, but it does not ease their pain.
Biker safety depends on assuming other motorists make mistakes and violate traffic laws. Even with situational awareness, some cannot be anticipated. Being slow and knowing how to operate a motorcycle pays off in such situations. Being proficient can be lifesaving and something every motorcyclist should constantly strive for.
If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident caused by another motorist, you might be entitled to compensation. Contact Aigen Injury Law today. By contacting motorcycle accident lawyers, you can get the help they need.