Any human loss is a tragedy. But when negligence is behind the death of a loved one, it can seem like extra layers of frustration and hopelessness are added to an already difficult time in life. If you’ve recently lost a loved one and you suspect negligence is behind their death, you are not without options. At Aigen Injury Law in Miami, we represent clients who seek monetary retribution for the loss of a loved one. We have the experience and resources necessary to evaluate your claim and determine whether negligence led to your loved one’s untimely passing. Contact a Miami wrongful death lawyer from our firm today.
Looking out for Families in Miami
From trucking accidents to premises liability cases, we represent clients for a wide range of legal matters. Founding Miami-Dade personal injury attorney, Scott Aigen, Esq., has years of experience evaluating claims and investigating the finer details of cases to determine whether negligence was the legal cause of someone’s loss of life. As a law firm dedicated exclusively to personal injury and wrongful death, we bring informed analyses into every claim and work diligently to see you obtain every penny you deserve for your losses.
Aigen Injury Law understands that this is a difficult time, and your head is likely spinning with questions and concerns. We would be happy to evaluate your claim for free and determine whether you have a viable wrongful death case. Reach out to our office to learn more.
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Florida?
A representative of the decedent’s estate may bring forth a wrongful death claim on behalf of a living spouse, the decedent’s children and parents, and other relatives who were dependent on the deceased person’s support.
What Damages Can Families Collect?
If your claim is successful, representatives of the decedent’s estate may obtain compensation for medical treatment costs, lost wages and loss of support, companionship, pain and suffering, funeral expenses, and other relevant losses.
What Is Negligence?
Negligence, in a wrongful death case, typically refers to carelessness. A person (or company) may be considered negligent when their careless behavior or actions lead to the death of another person. For example, a driver that violated the rules of the road, or an apartment manager who failed to maintain a safe environment for their tenants could be held liable in a wrongful death case.
Contact a Miami Wrongful Death Lawyer
These wrongful death cases can be quite complicated without the help of a trained eye. Vital details may fall between the cracks or relevant evidence can be overlooked. With experience on both sides of personal injury cases, our law firm is equipped to take a dynamic approach to your wrongful death claim and see that all details are evaluated in seeking recompense for your loss. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.